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3。王颀男,中国居民身份证号码310103197411260018,华润微电子有限公司原法务部总监,涉嫌职务侵占罪。2013年2月7日外逃至新加坡,外逃所持证照:G54631154、W47364060。Wang Qi, male, Chinese ID No。 310103197411260018, former Director of Legal Department of China Resources Microelectronics Limited, on suspicion of crime of duty encroachment, fled to Singapore with travel documents numbered G54631154 and W47364060 on February 7, 2013。

Liang Jinwen, male, Chinese ID No。 440401540210041, former Vice Chairman and General Manager of Zhuhai Huamei Automobile Brake System Company Limited and Legal Representative and General Manager of Zhuhai Zhongqi Huayue Industry Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of duty encroachment, fled to the United States with travel document numbered P371302(8) in March 2000。 Possible location of current residence: Kamelia Street, Corona, California, the United States。

Shi Jianxiang, male, Chinese ID No。 310223196409272817, Hong Kong ID No。 M334542(A), former Chairman of Kuailu Group, on suspicion of crime of fund raising frauds, fled to the United States with travel document numberedH6015127800 on March 7, 2016。 Possible location of current residence: Valley Boulevard Alhambra, CA, the United States。

32。洪巍男,中国居民身份证号码310107196811091234,中技上海公司原副总经理兼鞋业部经理,涉嫌贪污罪。2006年5月23日外逃至美国,外逃所持证照:G08977057、W09810567。目前可能居住地: Newport Circle, Redwood City, CA, USA。

责任编辑:郭建国家统计局:2018年末中国大陆总人口139538万人,比上年末增加530万人。全年人口出生率为10.94‰;自然增长率为3.81‰。相关新闻:GDP增幅2018年我国GDP同比增长6.6% 总量首破90万亿国家统计局:2018年居民收入增长快于人均GDP增速

